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华为智能手机需求强劲 海外市场扩张迅速【gd55光大彩票线路入口】

发布时间:2024-10-22 21:55:02点击量:594
本文摘要:Chinas Huawei Technologies Co. said its smartphone shipments rose 62% in the first half of this year, helped by strong demand in overseas markets such as Latin America and the Middle East for new handsets that work on faster-speed networks.华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co., 全称:华为)称之为,上半年公司智能手机发货量快速增长62%,归功于拉美和中东等海外市场的强大市场需求。

Chinas Huawei Technologies Co. said its smartphone shipments rose 62% in the first half of this year, helped by strong demand in overseas markets such as Latin America and the Middle East for new handsets that work on faster-speed networks.华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co., 全称:华为)称之为,上半年公司智能手机发货量快速增长62%,归功于拉美和中东等海外市场的强大市场需求。这些市场对需要在更慢网络上运营的新智能手机市场需求充沛。The first-half results make Huawei one of the fastest-growing players in the global smartphone market. Earlier this month, market leader Samsung Electronics Co. said it expected a decline in operating profit in the second quarter due to sluggish smartphone sales.上半年的较好展现出也使得华为沦为全球智能手机市场上快速增长最慢的公司之一。本月早些时候该领域领头羊三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)回应,不受智能手机销售下滑拖垮,预计第二季度营业利润将经常出现下降。

Huawei shipped 34.27 million smartphones world-wide in the six months through June, the company said Tuesday. Growth accelerated in the second quarter, when it shipped 20.56 million smartphones, the company said.华为周二宣告,今年前六个月公司向全球市场的智能手机发货量超过3,427万部,其中第二季度增长速度减缓,发货量为2,056万部。While Chinas smartphone market--the largest for Huaweis handset business--is showing signs of slower growth, Huawei is expanding rapidly in emerging markets abroad. The company said its smartphone shipments in the Middle East and Africa increased more than sixfold from a year earlier, while shipments in Latin America rose nearly fourfold. In Europe and the Asian-Pacific region, excluding China, shipments more than doubled, it said.虽然华为手执设备的第一大市场中国智能手机市场增长速度减慢,但该公司在其他新兴市场于是以很快扩展。

华为称之为其中东和非洲智能手机销量同比快速增长多达五倍,而拉美快速增长将近三倍。该公司还回应,在欧洲和不还包括中国的亚太地区,智能手机销量快速增长多达一倍。To make its name more recognized by consumers abroad, Huawei has been spending more on international marketing, mainly through sponsorship deals with professional soccer teams in Europe, such as the U.K.s Arsenal Football Club and Italys AC Milan.为提升其品牌在海外消费者中的知名度,华为仍然在不断扩大国际营销开支,主要是通过与欧洲的职业足球队签定赞助商协议,比如英国的阿森纳足球俱乐部和意大利的AC米兰足球俱乐部。

Huawei said it is also trying to sell more mid- to high-end smartphones, rather than selling the cheapest phones on the market. In May, Huawei launched its new flagship smartphone, the Ascend P7, which comes with a 5-inch screen and a camera feature designed specifically for taking group self-portraits. On Tuesday, Huawei said it has sold nearly two million units of the Ascend P7 so far.华为回应,该公司也在企图销售更好的中高端智能手机,而不是销售市场上最低廉的手机。今年5月,华为发售了新款旗舰智能手机Ascend P7,这款手机备有5英寸屏幕和专门集体自拍电影设计的摄影功能。

华为周二回应,该公司目前为止早已销售了近200万部Ascend P7。Shenzhen-based Huawei, whose main business is selling telecommunications equipment to carriers, is trying to sell more handsets to challenge the dominance of Samsung and Apple Inc. Even though Huawei was the worlds third-largest smartphone vendor in the first quarter, according to research firm IDC, its market share of 5% was still far behind those of Samsung and Apple. In China, the worlds largest smartphone market, Huawei faces tough competition not only from Samsung and Apple but from other Chinese handset vendors such as Lenovo Group Ltd. and Xiaomi Inc.总部坐落于深圳的华为主要业务是向运营商销售电信设备。目前该公司正试图销售更好的手机以挑战三星和苹果(Apple Inc.)的主导地位。

研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据表明,今年第一季度华为是全球第三大智能手机销售商,但其5%的市场份额仍远不及三星和苹果。在全球仅次于的智能手机市场中国,华为不仅面对来自三星和苹果的白热化竞争,还面对来自联想集团(Lenovo Group)和小米(Xiaomi Inc.)等中国手机销售商的竞争。Earlier this month, Richard Yu, the head of Huaweis consumer business group, said in an internal memo that revenue for his group, which mainly sells smartphones, rose 30% in the first half of this year. In the memo, viewed by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Yu also said that his group by midyear had already achieved more than half of its 2014 profit target. Huawei has said previously that its smartphone business is profitable, but it hasnt disclosed specific figures.本月早些时候,华为消费者业务集团负责人余承东(Richard Yu)在一份内部备忘录中说道,今年上半年该集团收益快速增长30%。

该集团主要销售智能手机。余承东在备忘录中还说道,他所在的集团年中前已完成2014年利润目标的一半以上。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看完这份备忘录。




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