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发布时间:2024-10-18 21:55:03点击量:883
本文摘要:Google sought yesterday to steal a march on Apple and breathe life into a new market for “wearable” computing devices, as it showed off a range of stripped down internet services such as voice-activated search to feature on a coming generation of smartwatches.谷歌(Google)昨日企图偷偷地打破苹果(Apple),给“可穿着”计算出来设备这新市场流经活力。

Google sought yesterday to steal a march on Apple and breathe life into a new market for “wearable” computing devices, as it showed off a range of stripped down internet services such as voice-activated search to feature on a coming generation of smartwatches.谷歌(Google)昨日企图偷偷地打破苹果(Apple),给“可穿着”计算出来设备这新市场流经活力。该公司展出了一系列精简版的互联网服务,比如语音转录搜寻,这些服务将配备于将要发售的新一代智能手表上。Apple laid the ground last month for its own iWatch, with the announcement of a fitness app that would act as a hub for a user’s health information, much of it collected from around the body by sensors embedded in wearable gadgets.苹果上月为自己的iWatch夯实了基础。它宣告发售一款健美应用于,该应用于将扮演着用户身体健康信息中心的角色——这些信息有相当大一部分是由映射可穿着设备的传感器从用户身体各处搜集的。

The big US tech companies have raced to establish a wearables market as the growth in smartphone sales has levelled off in the developed world, carrying over the tactics they honed in the smartphone wars. Google’s approach, using a new version of its Android smartphone operating system, relies on rallying a range of electronics companies to make devices using its services.由于发达国家智能手机销售快速增长已近无限大,美国大型科技公司沿用它们在智能手机大战中提炼出的战术,进行了一场创建可穿着设备市场的竞赛。谷歌的作法是用于新版Android智能手机操作系统,这一战术的基础是要连为一体一批电子厂商,生产用于谷歌服务的设备。“Google has a big ecosystem advantage; they have a lot of companies working on it,” said Geoff Blaber, a mobile industry analyst at CCS Insight. “But like tablets, it will probably take a couple of generations for these to really catch on with consumers, and Apple has a big brand advantage over any of these manufacturers.”“谷歌在生态系统方面享有极大优势;很多厂商都在生产谷歌系统的可穿着设备。

但像平板电脑一样,这些厂商的可穿着设备很有可能要到第三四代时才能确实受到消费者的欢迎,而苹果比较这些厂商中的任何一家都享有极大的品牌优势,”CCS Insight移动行业分析师杰夫布拉韦尔(Geoff Blaber)回应。The first Google-powered smartwatches, from LG and Samsung, are available to order now, though no date was given when they would be shipped. A Motorola watch will also go on sale this summer.LG和三星(Samsung)发售的首批配备谷歌系统的智能手展现出已拒绝接受采购,尽管明确发货日期还并未发布。

摩托罗拉(Motorola)的一款智能手表也将于今夏上市。The battle to attract users will depend on creating useful services for smartwatches, according to analysts, explaining why the big tech companies have used their annual developer events to lay out their plans.在说明为何大型科技公司要利用它们的年度开发者大会发布它们的规划时,分析师们回应,这场用户争夺战的胜败将各不相同谁能为智能手表打造出简单的服务。“As with Apple’s push into health apps ahead of its iWatch launch, wearables’ success lies in creating an ‘ecosystem’ of apps before consumers will be prepared to buy new devices,” said Carolina Milanesi, an analyst with Kantar Worldpanel.Kantar Worldpanel分析师卡罗琳娜米拉内西(Carolina Milanesi)回应:“与苹果在公布iWatch行进军身体健康应用领域一样,可穿着设备要想要获得成功,就必需在消费者作好打算出售新的设备前,创建一套应用于的‘生态系统’。

”Google said smartphone users checked their screens 120 times a day on average, and that smartwatches could replace some of the interaction. The watches could give “intelligent answers to spoken questions”, and act as a “key in a multi-screen world”, it said.谷歌回应,智能手机用户每天平均值网页手机屏幕120次,其中部分对话可被智能手表代替。该公司还回应,智能手表可“对口头明确提出的问题得出智能的答案”,当作“多屏世界的一把钥匙”。The announcements came as Google pushed Android into a range of new markets. It announced a version for cars, called Android Auto, and a TV set-top box, named Android TV.宣告上述消息的同时,谷歌也将Android系统推上了一系列新的市场。

该公司宣告发售取名为“Android Auto”的车载信息系统和取名为“Android TV”的电视机顶盒。



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