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发布时间:2024-10-18 21:55:03点击量:761
本文摘要:Trading of shares in ZTE was suspended in Hong Kong and Shenzhen yesterday after news of a US investigation into whether China’s second-largest telecommunications equipment maker violated US controls on exports to Iran. 中兴通讯(ZTE)股票昨日在香港和深圳清盘,此前有消息称之为,美国方面正在调查这家中国第二大电信设备制造商否违背了美国针对伊朗的出口管制。

Trading of shares in ZTE was suspended in Hong Kong and Shenzhen yesterday after news of a US investigation into whether China’s second-largest telecommunications equipment maker violated US controls on exports to Iran. 中兴通讯(ZTE)股票昨日在香港和深圳清盘,此前有消息称之为,美国方面正在调查这家中国第二大电信设备制造商否违背了美国针对伊朗的出口管制。ZTE said it was co-operating with the US authorities. Reuters reported at the weekend that the US Department of Commerce was set to place export restrictions on the company. ZTE sells 8-10 per cent of the world’s telecoms equipment, according to Nomura, and counts Iran among its customers. 中兴通讯回应,正在与美国有关部门合作。据路透社(Reuters)周末报导,美国商务部(US Department of Commerce)将对该公司实行出口容许措施。

野村证券(Nomura)数据表明,中兴通讯销售的电信设备占到全球的8%至10%,伊朗是其客户之一。“ZTE has been working with relevant US government departments on investigations, maintaining communication with relevant departments and is committed to fully address and resolve any concerns,” it said in a statement. “中兴通讯仍然在因应美国涉及政府部门调查,维持与涉及部门交流,致力于全面处置和解决问题任何问题,”该公司在一份声明中回应。The company added that it would continue with normal operations while it conducted internal assessments. 该公司还回应,将之后长时间运营,同时展开内部评估。“As a responsible business, ZTE strives to ensure all operational activities adhere to international trade practices and the laws and regulations of host countries,” it said. “作为一家负责任的企业,中兴通讯希望保证所有经营活动遵从国际行业惯例以及所在国的法律法规,”该公司回应。

The company yesterday suspended trading in its shares, according to statements to the Hong Kong and Shenzhen stock exchanges, but did not explain why. 根据递交香港和深圳证券交易所的声明,该公司昨日将其股票清盘,但没说明原因。ZTE’s Hong Kong-listed shares closed up 3.5 per cent last Friday, but are down 20 per cent so far this year. 中兴通讯在香港上市的股票上周五收涨3.5%,但今年以来总计下降20%。Leping Huang, telecoms and tech-nology analyst at Nomura in Hong Kong, said notice from the Department of Commerce, expected today [March 8], should clarify the scope of the restrictions. 野村证券派驻香港的电信和技术分析师朱乐平回应,美国商务部预计今日(3月8日)将公布的通报,应当不会解释容许措施的范围。

Nomura does not expect any impact on product sales in the US, but says restrictions would probably require any company shipping US-made parts or equipment to ZTE to first obtain a licence from the Department of Commerce. 野村证券不指出容许措施不会影响中兴在美国的产品销售,但回应这些措施很有可能拒绝向中兴发运美国生产部件或设备的任何公司首先获得美国商务部的许可。In an analyst note, Nomura estimated that 10-15 per cent of the components used in ZTE’s telecom equipment and smartphones were supplied by US-based vendors as of last year. It said major suppliers include Qualcomm, which supplies smartphone chips, and Xilinx and Altera for base station chips. 野村证券在一份分析师摘要中估算,就去年而言,中兴通讯电信设备和智能手机所用的10%至15%组件是由总部坐落于美国的供应商供应的。

它称之为,主要供应商还包括供应智能手机芯片的高通(Qualcomm),以及供应基站芯片的Xilinx和Altera。A person briefed by ZTE on the situation said the company does not foresee an immediate impact on production because it has just finished procurement of US parts for 2016. 征询了中兴通讯情况讲解的一名人士称之为,该公司并不意识到生产将立刻受到影响,因为它刚已完成2016年的美国部件订购。However, if restrictions remained in place over the long term, ZTE may experience somedisruptionto its supply-chain. 但是,如果容许措施长年实施下去,中兴通讯可能会遇上一些供应链中断的问题。

This is not the first time the company has run into trouble with US authorities. In 2012 ZTE and Huawei, its larger domestic competitor, were informally blocked from selling telecoms infrastructure in the US and barred from investing in US companies after the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence accused both of spying on behalf of Chinese authorities. 这早已不是该公司第一次在美国当局那里遇上困难。2012年中兴和规模更大的国内竞争对手华为(Huawei)被非正式地禁令在美国销售电信基础设施或投资于美国企业,原因是众议院常设尤其情报委员会(House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)指控两家公司为中国政府专门从事间谍活动。Both companies have long rejected the spying accusations. 两家公司一贯坚称有关间谍活动的指控。



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